Monday, October 20, 2014

Frustrated!! :0(

When did having a opinion that didn't exactly match another person's opinion make said opinion wrong or then leave that person open to being called names or have negativity unleashed on them?  It seems every place I look lately it is the same...  People voice an opinion and get slaughtered for it.   We use to value the diverse views of others and pull from the strength that comes with diversity, that is what this land of freedom was once upon a time known to provide.   It's very sad to watch how things are changing here and around the world and keep a positive attitude.

Just the basics of not saying anything if you can't say anything nice or anything that will improve a situation.  Can't we all just play nice in this big sandbox called earth?  Maybe we can start by not generalizing... Or maybe remove all the lovely labels we are so good at placing on people and then treating them according to our set of criteria that has gone with those lovely labels.   One person does something batty but has been labelled a certain way and now everyone else wearing that same label (a label they no doubt never even wanted to wear) must be punished or treated horribly because another person they don't even know acted a certain way??? Really??  I just don't see the logic in this at all and it is frustrating!

Sorry, I had to get that out...  I feel much better for just typing this out and once I hit the publish button it will be exercised even more from my system.  This is one of the reasons that I am so very happy that I was able to start blogging, everyone has a way of decompressing and writing really works for me.  

I do miss kick boxing, my old gym and the ease of which I used to fall into bed and be out like a light in minutes...  On the days that I am crazy busy, I still fall into bed and pass out but those days are not as many as I would like.   Sleeping well is becoming a harder thing for me lately and my dark circles under my eyes are calling that out now.  I am not sure if it is worry about what is happening around me or just good old fashion insomnia (never had this issue before, so not sure), but sleep is a challenge and it only seems to come when I finally am just too exhausted and my body gives up and sleeps.  I went to the doctor last week and they told me about some foods I could eat and of course there are tons of sleeping pills out there to try...  Ugh.  I don't want to rely on a pill to sleep, I would much rather figure out why I can't sleep and fix that and not put a medical band aid over the fact I can't sleep on my own.   The thought was that the meds they put me on for my back could be causing some of the issues and some of my last blood results show my kidneys don't like the meds either.  

Soooooo.. I said no more and left my doctor without a backward glance.  I am not a folder with a print out of a name and no face, but a living breathing human that just wants to not be in pain every time I move and to sleep at night.  I still have many more years on this earth (I hope :0))  so messing up my major organs by taking pills and more pills to counter act the first set of pills to then offset side effects from those pills... Oh my goodness, what a mess!  So last week I went and saw two natural path doctors and both were very similar in what they thought would work for me.  Now the problem is that Alex and I don't agree on which one I should continue seeing and following the treatment plan.    We are working it out, but it's a challenge as we both obviously want the best for my health but I have to feel comfortable as the patient right???  So just submitting to his wish on this one is a bit more difficult for me to swallow.  

What is even more hard for me to swallow is that I got myself into a bit of mischief yesterday and it resulted in a "discussion" last night.... I slept like a baby after it was all done!  Grrrrrrrr  

Alex woke me with a smile and coffee in bed this morning and said the cure for insomnia has been found... I don't think my backside likes that thread of thinking at all!  :0(   But I do feel MUCH better today and my circles are not as noticeable either, so I am really trying not to kick things and keep my temper in check this morning.  You would think this lady would be happy to have a wonderful night sleep, but watching her husband leave this morning like the cat that got all the cream...  I mean hello, I was the one that got myself in trouble, so really it was me that caused the good night sleep right?!?  Oh I know... But I am in that kind of mood and haven't snapped out of it yet.  Sigh.

Sorry, I know this post has been all over the place.... I am frustrated.  But as all things do, this too shall pass!

Lori update....  Lori is now officially on bed rest and it appears she will stay there until she is ready to deliver.  This little guy (yes, we have another boy!) doesn't want to stay in and get cooked all the way so she had to have a procedure to ensure he stays where he is for now.  Lori is doing very well and is staying positive through it all!  Jay setup a command center for her during the day downstairs and then he moves her upstairs at night so she has a change of scenery at least.  Kaylee and I are renting anything and everything from the red box down the street for her and we try to bring her books and magazines to entertain her too.  The cravings now that she is not sick every two seconds is finally a reality so that is fun.  Lori called me last night in tears, her mom is coming and going to stay with them until the baby is born.  Lori and Jay tried to get her mom to move with them late last year but she wasn't ready to let the house go yet.  Lori's dad passed away about two years ago and her mom just didn't want to move any of his clothes or tools... anything.  So this is huge and they are hoping she enjoys the time and will want to stay close following the arrival of the new baby.  She comes in on Wednesday, so we are planning a big celebration this next weekend to welcome her and lift Lori's spirits as well.  


  1. Hey Lucky...Not gonna try and comment on everything in this post! LOL I will say...I am happy to hear from you. Regarding the choice of definitely need to feel comfortable with whoever you choose. My question for Alex is 'why do you want doctor #1 instead of doctor #2?'

    Sorry Lori is on bed rest but happy to hear that the sickness is in the past. Please let her know she and her little one remain in my prayers.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Hi Cat,

      Hahahhahaha.. Sorry, I let the world get to me for a few minutes and my post will help remind me to not let myself get swallowed up in it all. Seriously amazing how much writing stuff out helps me to process and remove it from my forever busy head. :0)

      Alex and I have finally sat down and communicated in a way that we both understand each other on the doctor situation. It's amazing how much talking a couple can do on a subject and not get anyplace because it's not useful talking. I always complain that we talk things to death but really it's just that when topics are harder on us we tend to dance around each other and it takes us time to get to the real talk that gets us past the difficult topic. Sigh...

      Lori says thank you! She reads more blogs than I do these days, now that she has all day and most of the night to entertain herself. She started bugging Jay about blogging herself again since she is going to be laying around for months on end. I am staying OUT of it!!! :0)

      Irish Lucky

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Leigh,

      Thanks... Wish it was done without the spanking or at least with a fun spanking instead of the "I told you if you pushed one more time you would be over my knee.." Grrrrrr

      Irish Lucky
