Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Updates and closing out 2013

Thanks so much for all the supportive ladies that came and left me very encouraging comments on my last post.  I love the insight we can get from each other and just the support of knowing others are out there and have essentially been there and done that too.  I do have my sister-in-laws for support, but I find it so much easier to spill my guts on this blog some times and then regroup and talk with them.  I guess it helps me clarify my feelings a bit more before I do the mental dump on them....  :0)

I don't think it was as simple as saying my trust in Alex was slipping... No woman is that simple.  Wilma you were so right about that..  I read a book once that explained how women were like spaghetti noodles, we just take everything and slide right along our noodle way bringing all our emotions and situations with us.. Men on the other hand are like waffles, they have little compartments that they store/stash situations and emotions that go with them and don't blend them but jump from compartment to compartment.  Going with the noodle theory, I guess maybe after a certain distance with my noodle, I eventually have just way too much emotion and too many situations I have dragged with me and I explode..  Dead noodle.  Sigh.

I still worked my self up the Sunday after my post that I was struggling, but our reconnect actually went really well.  Just settling in and letting the flow happen is hard, but I am working on it and last Sunday was even better.  Alex has been really great, he has cornered me and really made me talk a bunch over the last several weeks. So we are on the same page more than we aren't these days, which is great with the holidays and the busy that usually comes with them.

So last Friday was my first experience shopping on black Friday!!  CRAZY!!!  I was not one that was out at midnight or even 5am, but the experience was still crazy even at noon.  Lori, Stacey and I braved it together and got some really good deals.  One of us got too many good deals and got into big time trouble and I am happy to report it was NOT me!!  HA!

We are finally finishing our move this weekend and then turning right around and helping Jay and Lori move the rest of December.. So I will not be around much if at all the rest of this month.

So I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2014!  


  1. Sorry I was away and was unable to read your past few posts. I am happy you decided to join our little blogging world Irish! I wish you smooth sailing into the new year and a Very Merry Christmas!

    big hugs to you and Alex

  2. Glad you are doing better. Merry Christmas to you too!

    I never shop on Black Friday!!! :D Once I tried and it was like trying to walk through wall to wall people. Just horrid!

    love sara

  3. Yay, things improved! Black friday sucks to shop in, but cyber monday is awesome :) Happy December, see you next year (if not before)!
