Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Driving Is Over Rated Anyway!!! :0(

It's a thousand degrees out still so rolling down the windows and letting the wind play havoc with my hair isn't an option.

Plus using the AC on high just eats more gas which causes me to spend more money... Not to mention the smell of said gas is gross, so filling up the tank is not my favorite activity.

I guess listening to music and singing at the top of my lungs can still be done outside a car, just seems more fun while driving.  Now that I type that I wonder just how many people have watched me boogie and sing on my way to and from places over the years and got a kick out of it... Or thought maybe I shouldn't be driving.  Grrrrrr

I just got a new air freshener for my car too... This could be considered false freshening!! I mean I am technically freshening air that is not being used, that is just soooooo wasteful right?!?
I have seen the light....

I will mend my ways...

For the love of all that is mobile and moving in this world other than me... I WILL DO BETTER!!


I know it hasn't even been two weeks yet, but this punishment is driving (not literally, ugh) me nuts.  I have even asked to be spanked instead of this, but he is not bending an inch.  This is the first time he has ever taken my driving privileges away and I am going to REALLY try to make it the last too.  I don't care if I get dubbed the granny driver of the century, this lady is not zipping any where ever again.  



  1. Oh Lucky...that would be cruel and unusual punishment for me. I can go days without leaving the house but when I want to go, I want to go! Absolutely love cruising down the road with the radio blasting singing at the top of my longs while dancing in my seat! :D When I haven't been able to do that...due to weather or car issues, I dance around the house with the music cranked and singing at the top of my lungs. The cats hide. LOL Hope you are ungrounded soon!

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Hi Cat,

      Well I am in a totally different state of mind now, but when I wrote this post it did seem like driving was super important. :0) I deserve to be on restriction, but it's not easy... Sigh. Glad to know I am not the only one dancing and singing my heart out in the car and at home. Music just makes the day seem more fun right? :0)

      Irish Lucky

  2. Oh my goodness, I would hate to not be able to drive my car for 2 weeks, I am with you, I would beg for a spanking instead.
    Each day that goes by means you're one step closer though, and keep thinking of those money saving benefits!!
    Good luck!

    1. Hi Janey,

      I am trying to be more of a trooper about this... But it's a challenge. After last night I have a totally different perspective on the situation, so I will do my best to not bug him about it... :0)

      Irish Lucky
