Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Could have...

Tap, tap, tap... ( his foot)

" I'm thinking!" (Actually I was, just not about what he wanted me to think about.)

Tap, tap, tap... 

Now with all the tapping his foot was doing it was very easy for me to lose all focus and jump onto another line of thinking...So in a way this next part was really his fault! No seriously... He was tapping really loudly! Sigh...

" Your night might have been better if you wore a different pair of shoes. Those are the ones you don't like right?"
(insert innocent eyes here)

Clunk, clunk, clunk... (Him coming towards me with a determined stride)

......That was last Friday night................

Things you should know dear journal, so you can wrap your arms around this less than wonderful evening.

1. Those shoes are a sore point and have now been destroyed. (She writes with a huge grin)
2. His family stresses me out...A LOT!
3. I had to let some one at work go on Friday afternoon and that always gets to me.
4. I don't like the word freakin.. Seriously, it bugs the snot out of me! My son learned this very quickly when he came home thinking that word was the bomb.

Ok, back to it...

Last Friday we were to be across town by 7 pm to attend my FIL's birthday celebration. It was just after 5pm when I walked into mass hysteria! Literally! (At least at the time that is what I felt) My daughter was cradling a shoe to her chest and screeching (as only teenage girls can do) at our puppy. Looking down our little monster was happily chewing away at the less than fortunate partner shoe. My son is rolling his eyes and wanting to know yet again why his girl friend couldn't come to the family celebration. (We had covered this topic many times during the week already) Then my dear husband, who is completely unfazed by any of this asks me if I remembered to get gas on the way home. (Um, no thank you very much) Of course that is not what I said...

I started with the smallest first! "You! Drop that shoe...Bad puppy, go to your bed!" He left tracks on my carpet he moved so fast...(smart dog) Then I swiveled and pointed at my daughter. "You, suck it up! He has eaten more of my shoes than anyone else in this family. Go into my closet and find a pair of shoes that matches that outfit." (of course she was wearing one of my outfits anyway so why not just finish it off with my shoes too!!!) Then I went for the oldest, he had backed up a step at this point.  "I said NO and I mean NO now and the other millions times that we have talked about this.  One more word and you can spend the weekend grounded!" (I am so not ready for him to be taken from me, he is MINE little teenage girl)

I was on a roll.. Yeah, kicking butt and taking names later.  I would love to tell you my roll ended there.  But I had one more swivel in me and that put me pointing at my hubby.  He was no longer looking unfazed at this point, but I bet he had no idea what was coming next.  Instead of batting my eye lashes and letting him know I had forgotten to get gas and maybe could he run and get some while I changed...

"No, I didn't freakin get gas! So you can go get the freakin gas, while I go get freakin ready so we aren't freakin late!"  (Yep, four freakins in a row)

I went upstairs and shut our door and leaned back against it.... The look on my husband's face before I made my big exit, pretty much gave me a reality check.  (insert really large gulp here) 

We were only a few minutes late to the party and it was pretty fun.  The ride there and back was pretty silent.  My husband and I had been together all night, side by side with smiles... But we never once spoke directly to each other and the small crack between us felt like a full on valley by the time we got home.

Which brings us back to the start of my entry...

I could have told him how bad I felt about everything...

I could have told him about having to let some one go just before leaving the office...

I could have just straight out apologized and pleaded insanity...

But I didn't.. Couldn't actually.  It was just all stuck in my throat... I mean literally the words and emotions were stuck.  Honestly when it was all "discussed", I still have been unsettled.  Sigh...

Anyway, this has been rattling around in my brain since Friday.  Hopefully now that I have written this all out, it will settle down and let some thing else rattle for a while. 

Until tomorrow dear journal,
Irish Lucky

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