Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Name Game

As suggested by Wilma, I am trying to name my hubby for this blog.... Sounded easy, but is proving a bit difficult.

My options so far:

Alex - I gave him this name in my "The First Time" post. It is actually his middle name, so not very creative.

Captain - He is forever asking me "Just who is the captain of this ship?" (I was a bit spunky once and broke into the 'Oh captain, my captain' poem...Didn't end well.)

Yoda - I told Wilma she was my blogger Yoda and he pouted that he was the one keeping me strong with the force. (Think he is missing the connection of "his" force and "the" force, but didn't point that out.)

That is it....He is a tough one.  Iron man was in the running, but he totally balked at it. My reasoning was his hand feels like iron and he really looks a LOT like Tony Stark... Only way taller.  He growled and said I need glasses... What ever!

Any votes?

On another topic...Reconnection (some call them maintenance) spankings, what the heck are these for again? Should they really be weekly... I am getting spanked more than ever in our relationship! Not so sure these weekly ones are needed....We haven't had a break to get unconnected! Plus the two we have attempted have turned into punishment spankings. Grrrrrr...

I was/am super happy and surprised at the new "fun/sexy" spankings that came with all this change. But now we have more than doubled the punishment ratio, which I am not happy about. He says I am pushing and I say he is being overly HOHish.  Maybe this is just a normal adjustment period and we both need to chill out a bit, because this could become a battle at some point otherwise.... One I won't win! :0(


  1. Well first off I would GLADLY hand over the Yoda title. Sheesh...the man needs to moisturize more! Why don't you ask your hubby to name himself? Mr. Picky Pants comes to mind ( wink ) How about something Irish?

    As for reconnection spankings....well I'm not sure they are 'needed' if you are already getting spanked so much. I mean Barney introduced them here because I am such an angel (wink). Of course by that rational, Captain Alex Yoda might say well be good and that is all you will have. So I've got nothing aside from the C word, communicate.


    1. I was shocked to see he left me a comment.. I guess he likes Alex. :0) So the name game has come to an end. An angel huh.. Love it!

  2. You are pushing me. I don't mind. Just remember we drew that line together. No matter the amount of pushing, I will always make sure you end up on the right side. With me.

    I can't believe you brought up the Yoda thing.


  3. I got here too late to vote, but it seems Alex has already settled it. I like the name. It's strong, yet sensitive as well.

    As far as your question about reconnect/maintenance/role affirmation/whatever you want to call it spankings, sometimes it takes a while to find the right fit and what works now for you guys might not work a month from now. You kind of have to go with the flow.

    We've done it weekly, twice weekly, on an as needed basis, even daily for a while. We've found that as needed didn't really work for us. While I may notice that I'm not feeling connected/submissive on the inside, Steve doesn't notice until I start actually showing signs of it, which may be a few days later. By that point, it's beyond the point of needing just a reconnect or role affirmation.

    Don't worry about the punishment ratio being out of whack right now. At times, especially in the beginning, I pushed because I needed the reassurance he was paying attention and was in this with me. I didn't always see it as that way at the time, but looking back from a slightly more experienced view I see it now.

    1. Hi Dana, thanks for stopping by and your comment. I am wondering if I am pushing at him for attention or because I am testing the change... He sent me a text after his comment this morning that we would be having a "discussion" tonight. I am really hoping I can get myself together by then..Sigh. :0)

  4. Hi! I can relate to feeling as though the maintenance spankings aren't strictly necessary. I never go more than a few days without a red rear myself. The best thing I have found to do is to calmly and clearly express that you would like to try going without the next scheduled session just to see how it goes. Best to bring this up at a time that you are both relaxed and at ease, and definitely not before, during, or immediately after a spanking. As long as you express yourself respectfully and remember that he ultimately will decide the outcome, maybe he might (hopefully) consider your request! Being an absolute angel for a while doesn't hurt either :) Good luck!

    1. Hello again! :0) Up to about two weeks ago I could go months without finding myself over his knee...Now it is almost daily! Seriously I am just all over the place and I really want this to settle down. Alex is being super supportive and very patient with me...Thank goodness, or I would never sit comfortably again. :0)

  5. Oh Irish.. I push too.. I'm like a kid that just has to.. HAS TO poke my toe over the line just to SEE what is gonna happen. Ya know? And, then I find safety when the rules are the same, I can relax, cause he's got me. Getting to this point was not a lot of fun, and kinda resembled your post..

    1. Oh my gosh yes!! That is totally what I have turned into... If I stick my toe just here...what will he do. So glad I am not the only one. :0)

  6. Goodluck with naming your hubby! (that took me quite awhile....)
    And a huge welcome to Blogland!

    1. Hi Bleuame, thanks so much for your warm welcome and stopping by! My husband decided on Alex.. But he sure didn't make it easy on me. :0)
